Win one of 6 copies of The Healthy Kiwi Student: A Food, Fitness & Lifestyle Guide

February 08, 2021
Win one of 6 copies of The Healthy Kiwi Student: A Food, Fitness & Lifestyle Guide

The Healthy Kiwi Student: A Food, Fitness & Lifestyle Guide by Emily and Sophie Martin (aka, 'Tasty Twins' on Instagram) offers tips for balancing the demands of university life and staying on an even keel. We have 6 copies to give away.

This practical cookbook and handbook includes great advice for young people as they begin to navigate the world independently, whether they are moving away to university for the first time, or simply want to start making their own decisions about managing their health and well-being. 

Em and Soph are 22-year old twins with a passion for food, fitness, mental health and living a balanced lifestyle. They run the Instagram account @Tasty.Twinsss which has over 17,000 followers. The twins are passionate foodies and their recipes are simple, tasty, nourishing, budget-conscious and flat-friendly. The book also includes helpful study tips, budgeting advice and simple rules for a harmonious flat environment. 

We have 6 copies to give away. Simply fill out the form below to be in to win!

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